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Architecture | The youngest and the brightest

Young talents are always full of bright ideas. MoMA and MoMA PS1 are proving this, by presenting the final projects of Young Architect Program of 2012.

For some people, the number 13 isn’t exactly related with lucky events. But for some young creators, it might represent a huge opportunity. MoMa, the Museum of Modern Art of New York is hosting the final projects of the 13th edition of “Young Architects Program 2012”.

MoMA and MoMA PS1, a big and famous artistic laboratory, give the opportunity to the young ones to challenge creativity and the wings of imagination.

This year the main attraction is Wendy, an urban landscape made of nylon and nanoparticles, made for redesign the courtyard of MoMA PS1, made by Matthias Hollwich and Marc Kushner. Sophistication and the range of uses (music, shades, cool air and water) gave this star-shape installation the main prize.

AEDS, Cameron Wu, Ibañez Kim Sutdio and Urban Lab are the four finalists, which projects are also in exhibition at the third floor of the Museum.

The environmental issue is always a guideline for the participants and this year was no exception. For those who are interested in exploring young creativity, MoMA is hosting the exhibition till September 3rd.


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